- 2025 Resolutions
Resolution 2025-01 - Fee Schedule
- 2024 Resolutions
Resolution 2024-02 - Establishing A Code of Conduct for Meetings of the Board of Trustees
Resolution 2024-04 - Procedures for Evidentiary Hearings for the Removal of Town Officials
Resolution 2024-05 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 2024-08 Authorize Closing HUTF CD Account 1006730 And Moving Funds To HUTF Account 179552
Resolution 2024-10 Authorize and Approve New Banking Signatories Due to Board of Trustee Changes
Resolution 2024-11 - A Resolution Establishing Office Hours
Resolution 2024-12 A Resolution Cancelling Trustee Board Members Pay
Resolution 2024-14 A Resolution Appointing Town Clerk
Resolution 2024-16 - Resolution Approving New Signers For Bank Accounts
Resolution 2024-18 - Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-19 - Establishing Mayor Pro-Tem
Resolution 2024-20 - A Resolution Determining Participation in FAMLI Program
Resolution 2024-21 - Ballot Language to Publish Ordinance by Title Only
Resolution 2024-22 - Approving TABOR Ballot Language
Resolution 2024-23 - Approving New Bank Signers
Resolution 2024-24 - Board of Trustees Vacancy Acknowledgement
Resolution 2024-25 - Audit Exemption
Resolution 2024-26 - CORA Request Procedure Resolution
Resolution 2024-27 - A Resolution Adopting a New Water Activity Enterprise Water Service Application
Resolution 2024-28 Setting the Mill Levy
Resolution 2024-29 Budget Adoption and Appropriation
- 2023 Resolutions
Resolution 2023-01 Official Status.pdf
Resolution 2023-02 - Establishing Water Activity Enterprise
Resolution 2023-03 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution 2023-04 Appropriating Sums of Money.pdf
Resolution 2023-05 Appropriating Sums of Money for Budget.pdf
- 2022 Resolutions
Resolution 2022-01 Budget Summarization
Resolution 2-2022 Commercial Enterprise.pdf
Resolution 2022-02 Designation Official Status
Resolution 2022-03 Amending Marijuana License Fee Schedule
Resolution 2022-04 Amending Consolidated Fee Schedule
Resolution 2022-05 Canceling Election
Resolution 2022-06 General Property Levy
Resolution 2022-07 Appropriating Sums of Money
Resolution 2022-08 Exempt From Audit
Resolution 2022-09 Potch Annexation 4
Resolution 2022-10 Potch Annexation 4
Resolution 2022-11 Adopting Permit & Fee Schedule
- 2020 Resolutions
Resolution No. 2020-1 Posting Places_0.pdf
Resolution 2020-2 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution 2020-3 Approving the 3 Mile Annexation Plan.pdf
Resolution 2020-05 Potch Annex 2.pdf
Resolution 2020-06 Renew Local Disaster.pdf
Resolution 2020-07 Canceling Municipal Election.pdf
Resolution 2020-08-2019 Budget Amendment.pdf
Resolution 2020-9 Executive Order COVID-19 Stay At Home.pdf
Resolution 2020-9 Exhibit A Public Health Order.pdf
Resolution 2020-10 Bank Signers.pdf
Resolution 2020-11 Mayor Pro-Tem Raymond Miller.pdf
Resolution 2020-21 Terrell Bowers Annexation Petition_0.pdf
Resolution 2020-22 Banking Signors.pdf
- 2019 Resolution
Resolution 2019-1 Separating Excise Tax Money.pdf
Resolution 2019-2 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 2019-03 Exempt From Audit_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-4 Appointing Matthew Hobbs as Town Attorney_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-05 Second Amendment Sanctuary Town_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-6 Instating Fire bans- Signed.pdf
Resolution 2019-07 Community Center Fee Schedule.pdf
Resolution 2019-8 Finding Substantial Compliance- Signed.pdf
Resolution 2019-9 Bank Signers.pdf
Resolution No. 2019-9 Potch Annex Petition Ammendment.pdf
Resolution 2019-10 Town Officials Code of Ethics_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-11 HMROD Town Attorneys.pdf
Resolution 2019-12 Public Hearing Date for Potch Annexation.pdf
Resolution 2019-13 Set Public Hearing Date for Potch Annexation.pdf
Resolution 2019-14 Disaster Declaration.pdf
Resolution 2019-15 Renewed Disaster Area.pdf
Resolution 2019-16 Renewed Disaster Area.pdf
Resolution 2019-17 Renewed Disaster Area.pdf
Resolution 2019-18 Renewed Disaster Area.pdf
Resolution 2019-19 Renewed Disaster Area.pdf
Resolution 2019-20 Renewal of Disaster Emergency_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-21 Budget Summary_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-22 General Property Tax Levy_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-23 Mail Ballot Election_0.pdf
Resolution 2019-24 Declaring a Local Disaster RENEWED.pdf
Resolution 2019-25 Declaring a Local Disaster RENEWED.pdf
Resolution 2019-26 Declaring a Local Disaster RENEWED.pdf
- 2018 Resolutions
Resolution 2018-1 Budget Ammendment.pdf
Resolution 2018-2 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution 2018-3 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 2018-4 Hazard Mitigation Plan.pdf
Resolution 2018-5 Canceling Election.pdf
Resolution 2018-06 Fees for Annexation Petitions.pdf
Resolution 2018-7 Potch Annexation Open Hearing Date.pdf
Resolution 2018-8 Approving Three Mile Annexation.pdf
Resolution 2018-11 Liquor License Fees & Application.pdf
Resolution 2018-12 Public Comment Policy.pdf
Resolution 2018-13 Bank Signers.pdf
Resolution 2018-14 Approving Area 420 Platt.pdf
Resolution 2018-15 Authorizing Use of Street Locator for Nov Election.pdf
Resolution 2018-16 Mayor Patricia Regal As Officer for IGAs.pdf
Resolution 2018-17 Coordinated Election with Saguache County.pdf
Resolution 2018-18 Ballot Question Setting Excise at 5 Percent.pdf
Resolution 2018-19 Levying General Property Tax.pdf
Resolution 2018-20 Summarization of Expenditures and Revenues.pdf
- 2017 Resolutions
Resolution 2017-1 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution 02-2017 MOU Message Board.pdf
Resolution 2017-3 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 2017-4 Debrucing - Signed.pdf
- 2016 Resolutions
Resolution 2016-1 Election Cancelation.pdf
Resolution No. 2016-2 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution 2016-3 Official Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 2016-4 Bank Signers.pdf
Resolution 2016-5 Firehouse Setback Requirements.pdf
Resolution 2016-6 Adopt Budget.pdf
Resolution 2016-6 Fee Policy Exhibit A.pdf
- 2015 And Prior Resolutions
1998 Building Code & Resolution.pdf
Resolution unknown 2.18.1998 Retaining and Expanding Excess Revenue.pdf
Resolution 7 Tabor Tax Election to electorate.pdf
Resolution 1.8.2002 Kelly Couger Resigned.pdf
Resolution 3-2002 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution July 2, 2002 Establishing Planning Commission
Resolution 2, 2003 No Quorum_0.pdf
Resolution 1-2004 Check Signers_0.pdf
Resolution 1-2005 Historical Preservation Designation_0.pdf
Resolution 2-2006 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 3-2006 Rules of Order Manual.pdf
Resolution 1-2006 Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 3-2007 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution No, 5-2008 Budget.pdf
Resolution 2-2008 Board Proceedure.pdf
Resolution 3-2008 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution 4-2008 Municipal Records Retention Schedule.pdf
Resolution 6-2008 General Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 2008-1 Canceling Municipal Election.pdf
Resolution No. 1-2009 CIRSA Loss Control Standards.pdf
Resolution 2-2009 Self Insurance Pool.pdf
Resolution 7-2009 Authorizing Mail Ballot Election.pdf
Resolution 4-2009 Tabor to the Electorate.pdf
Resolution 3-2009 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution No. 1-2010 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 2-2010 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution 3-2010 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution No. 4-2010 Adopting Budget.pdf
Resolution 5-2010 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution No. 1-2011 Anti-Discrimination Policy.pdf
Resolution 2-2011 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution 3-2011 Contract and Signature Authority to the MAyor.pdf
Resolution No. 4-2011 Adopting Budget.pdf
Resolution 5-2011 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 2-2012 Authorizing Mail Ballot Election.pdf
Resolution 3-2012 Municipal Election Cancelation.pdf
Resolution 50-22-12 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 2012-1 Official Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 001-12-2013 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 3-2011 Contract and Signature Authority to the MAyor.pdf
Resolution 4-2011 Adopting Budget.pdf
Resolution 5-2011 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution No. 2-2012 Authorizing Mail Ballot Election.pdf
Resolution 3-2012 Municipal Election Cancelation.pdf
Resolution 50-22-12 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 2012-1 Official Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 001-12-2013 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution -11-012-2013 General Property Tax Levy_1.pdf
Resolution 005-8-2013 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 005-9-2013 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution 6-001-2013 Official Posting Places.pdf
Resolution-Ordinance 2012 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution 03-01-2014 Canceling Municipal election.pdf
Resolution No. 001-1-2014 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution 001-12-2014 General Property Tax Levy.pdf
Resolution 1-02-2014 Posting Places.pdf
Resolution No. 002-12-2014 Budget.pdf
Resolution 02-01-2014 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution 05-2-2014 Check Signers.pdf
Resolution 05-04-2014 Public School Building Inspection.pdf
Resolution 12-02-2014 Adopting a Dog Ordinance.pdf
Exhibit A Resolution 001-05-2015 Fee Schedule.pdf
Exhibit A Resolution 001-05-2015 Fee Schedule.pdf
Resolution 001-05-2015 Fee Schedule Ammendment.pdf
Resolution 002-10-2015 Levying Property Taxes for 2016 Budget.pdf
Resolution 15-1.1 Building Permit System.pdf
Resolution 002-02-2015 Official Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 002-02-2015 Official Posting Places.pdf
Resolution 001-01-2015 Setting Mil Levy.pdf
Resolution 001-02-2015 Encouraging 9-1-1 Sign Up.pdf
Resolution 001-03-2015 Exempt From Audit.pdf
Resolution 001 05 2015 Fee Schedule SIGNED.pdf
Resolution 001-10-2015 Budget.pdf